How digital is your Customer Experience?
Are you in danger of being disrupted by digital cargo champions?
Disruption is driven by more flexibility, higher speed or cheaper prices:
How would your customers rate the overall experience of doing business with you?
How could digitalization speed up your processes and customer satisfaction?
What about the savings you could capture internally?
There are multiple ways to digitize your service delivery: Our Top 5+1
The first step is obvious but not that easy: Digitalize all paper flow of AWB, custom declaration etc. by offering an integrated App and Web solution. Key success factor is to ensure customer interest. It also a good idea to integrate business partners, custom authorities and so on in the design phase. Make sure each of your major value chain partner needs comply with your digital workflow solution.
To further increase digital benefits for you and your partners go further and integrate your processes seamlessly into the sophisticated proprietary systems of your major forwarders and shippers. This forms a partnership that goes far beyond short term price decisions. Take out friction and all unnecessary interfaces, blend right in.
Set up an early warning system by using intelligent chips that “wake up” when they detect an anomaly such as sitting someplace too long, travelling east instead of west, still moving when they should be at their destination, etc.
Digitalization is crucial for marketing and sales. Enable your sales reps to directly calculate and close contracts on the initial sales call based on hand held devices and electronic signatures. The success factor to accomplish this is to dramatically decrease the complexity of your pricing schemes and contracts.
Digital workflow enables you to unbundle pre-defined products to show a competitive price tag in your digital shop window that will be developed by new flexible ancillary modules.
Finally automate your spot-price quoting incl. automated stowage loss calculation and steer your access rates based on capacity segments and real time demand development.

New digital solutions will give you a cutting edge and protect you from being disrupted. They:
increase your efficiency
make your existing customers happy
let you win new customers
UNEX has 10 years of experience in digitalizing cargo airlines. Examples of our initiatives:
Automated and self-steered access rate calculation based on single flight events taking daily demand changes into account
Automated stowage loss calculation enabling spot price quotes within seconds
Market driven spot price calculations making sure to skim price potentials that were discovered on that specific day, O&D and customer segment
Sales and contract management executed on mobile devices for a one-stop shopping experience that also shrinks process costs to under 20% compared to before